BBNaija 2019: Frodd Emerges Head Of House - StarMike Comedy

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

BBNaija 2019: Frodd Emerges Head Of House

The journey to becoming the HoH involved playing with balloons in the Arena. Housemates were to tie a single balloon which contained candies to their ankles. 
After this was done, they were to burst the balloons of other fellow Housemates. Once a Housemates’ balloon bursts, he or she is automatically out of the challenge.
Tacha was the first to lose her balloon. Immediately the buzzer went off, Ike went straight for hers and didn’t stop till he heard that balloon pop. The Challenge saw some of the Housemates getting slightly physical as they aggressively tried to burst each other’s balloon and claim the candies inside it. 
Jackye put up a good fight or maybe she just hid herself well and ended up making it to the last three standing Housemates. She had to contend with Jeff and Frodd for the final spot, but in a battle that required a lot of physical strength, she was no match. She couldn’t survive the tag-team effort of Frodd and Jeff as her balloon was popped almost immediately. 
With Jackye out, the Arena was set for the final showdown between Jeff and Frodd. It was quite an intense battle as they shoved and pushed each other with one goal in mind – burst the next man’s balloon.
As the battle raged on, it was clear it was only going to get heated and even more physical. 
A 30 seconds timeout was called by Biggie giving both Housemates a chance to settle the quest for HoH amicably. In the end, Jeff dropped out giving Frodd the opportunity to become the Head of House.
As with all HoH, Frodd gets immunity from this week’s nomination, 250 Bet9ja coins and the privilege of the Head of House bedroom. When asked who he would like to share his bedroom privileges, he picked Mike. 
Not everyone saw that coming as people expected he would have gone for his obvious love interest in the House- Esther.
We were expecting tears of joy from Frodd, but it was a smile we got and we will take that. How do you think his reign will be in the House?

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