Women's Sexuality: Why Her Body Says "Yes" When Her Head Says "No" - StarMike Comedy

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Women's Sexuality: Why Her Body Says "Yes" When Her Head Says "No"

In a Mindy McCready song, her date has her body screaming “Let’s get it on!”, while her mind is saying “I don’t think so.”
Any woman who has been in this situation might have given herself a guilt trip about the decision she made. But she shouldn’t—not when her head says, “No.” Scientists have discovered that women’s yes/no sex debates stem from the very core of their biological processes. It is not something women simply conjure up in their minds. In fact, studies show that it is common for a woman to have the maybe-yes/maybe-no debate up to 20% of the times she feels sexually aroused.
Putting the YES/NO Sexual Debate IntoPerspective
Let's look at the mind/emotions versus bodily excitement where men and woman are different or similar.
Sexual Arousal Is Only Half the Ballgame
Sexual relationships do not take place in a mental vacuum. That is the case unless you and your partner are working hard at having a no-strings-attached affair. Sometimes, of course, no-strings-attached does not work out that way, and a person feels lousy afterward. That’s because you slip and get emotionally involved and maybe guilt-trip yourself over it. That happens because there are five relationship feelings that can engage when you are being intimate with a partner: the sexual feeling, the in-love feeling, feelings of friendship, the feeling of being a couple, and the feeling of wanting to help each other out. This is why, from a biological standpoint, sex does not always happen in a mental and emotional blackout.
Women Evaluate a Sexual Situation on Two Different Levels
This creates two different takes on a sexual situation: the physical and the mental. These two perspectives arise from two semi-independent biological processes. So it’s natural that, on occasion, a woman will have conflicting feelings about sex. Her physical feelings of arousal just do not match her thoughts. In certain situations, a woman may be focusing on the emotions rising from her thought process so intently that she may not even notice that she is physically aroused.
Men Have Fewer Conflicting Feelings About Sex.
Men’s emotional responses are often more closely aligned with their physical responses. That means that a man generally has a hard time arguing against his erection. Men, of course, are aware of the emotional aspects of sexual relations. But they do not monitor the difference between their emotional and physical feelings as closely as women do. Further, men are often less emotional engaged towards a possible partner when compared to women.
Remember this: If your head says “No,” you are not ready for sex. And that is OK. Your mind might be saying it’s the wrong time, place, person, or a dozen other possible things. Saying “No” when your body says “Yes,” is simply part of a woman’s nature. When you are thinking “No,” you are being responsible for your own sexuality. You are not responsible for the other person’s sexuality and feelings if you say, “No.” So there is no reason to feel guilty. Guilt arises from going against your thoughts. As women mature it is easier to make these yes/no sexual decisions.

1 comment:

  1. This is stolen copyright material. See original: https://pairedlife.com/physical-intimacy/womens-sexuality


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