May God never give any of us a son like Akpors; check out what the he did to his father and judge the matter based on your own view:
Dad: My Son, please come and buy me a soft drink.
Akpors: Coke or Pepsi?
Dad: Coke.
Akpors: Diet or regular?
Dad: Regular.
Akpors: Bottle or can?
Dad: Bottle.
Akpors: Litre or oz?
Dad: Oh my God!! What is it??!! Ok, just buy me water!
Akpors: Natural or Mineral?
Dad: Mineral.
Akpors: Hot or cold?
Dad(angry): I'm going to strike you with a broom!
Akpors: Stick broom or soft broom?
Dad: Aha! Just get out of here!
Akpors: Now or tomorrow?
Dad: Now!
Akpors: Are you accompanying me or not?
Dad: I will kill you!
Akpors: With knife or with gun?
(Dad faints out of frustration and exhaustion)
Akpors: Are you dead or sleeping?
Abeg if you be this papa, wetin you go do Akpors when you wake?
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